Push the pause button! Step off the path of worry, anxiety, and overwhelm and follow self-care cairns that guide a path toward resilience and well-being. Renew your body, mind, spirit, energy, outlook, relationships and more by cultivating the inner landscape that can change the way you see yourself, others, and the world.
Your wellness journey can feel like an adventure…not another task. Many scenic hikes are guided by cairns – a stack of rocks that keep you oriented, guide you to scenic overlooks, and safely return you home. For less than your weekly coffee costs, you can engage in a self-care practice that can transform your life from worn-out to well within! Simply say yes to setting positive intention with my guided self-care commitment.
This 4-week program invites you to draw from my Guided Resilience approach to well-being: grounded, growing, and gifted.
- Grounded in a weekly session with Cami to kick off each week with guidance, support, and intention.
- Growing in a positive mind with daily emails to anchor your positive intentions.
- Gifted with a path to resilience and well-being by prioritizing evidence-based self-care practices.
Devote 4 weeks to prioritizing the self-care practices that create an inner landscape of gratitude, hope, love and playfulness. New behaviors need repetition, support, and motivation. You will find that here.
Sundays at 3pm – Take a Mindful Pause…
My Self-Care Path Overview:
Meet virtually on Sundays at 3pm with Coach Cami for an introduction to the week’s theme, a self-care practice, and time for group coaching.
Week 1 – Sunday, Nov. 24: Gratitude
Week 2 – Sunday, Dec.1: Hope
Week 3 – Sun. Dec. 8: Love
Week 4 – Sun. Dec. 15: Playfulness
In our weekly coaching session, I will introduce our theme and offer creative ways to prioritize and practice your self-care. Each day you’ll receive an inspirational message to support your intention.
Engage in my powerful coaching platform
- Create your wellness vision
- Record your self-care and mindfulness practices
- Access to Guided Resilience resources and support
Daily emails support our theme
- Each day, you will receive a brief email with a self-care cairn that shares a nugget of wisdom or inspiration and a take-away message to guide your Self-Care path.
- What we focus on expands. Daily inspirations point toward the Equally True: Gratitude, Hope, Love, Playfulness
More and more becoming a master of your moments…not a victim of your day. -Coach Cami
$40.00 (A good perk-me-up for less than your weekly coffee budget!)
If you’re ready to get started right now, click this ink.