Available Workshops

Tuesday Mid-day Pause
Weekly on Tuesdays
UNPLUG! Tuesdays from 12:30-12:45pm CST These FREE 15 minute midday pauses refresh the body, mind, and spirit. The steps of mindful pause will guide our practice: STOP | BREATHE | THINK | […]
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1:1 Coaching for Positive Change
Coaching + Skill Development = Empowerment Disruption to the ways we live, work, and relate are causing stress like never before. Prioritizing your self-care with Coach Cami is a […]
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Thursday Morning Pause
These FREE 15 minute morning pauses set a grounded intention for your day in body, mind, and spirit. The steps of mindful pause will guide our practice: STOP | BREATHE […]
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Cairns for the Heart: A 28-day Challenge to Embrace Renewing Emotions
Sundays: Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15
Push the pause button! Step off the path of worry, anxiety, and overwhelm and follow self-care cairns that guide a path toward resilience and well-being. Renew your body, mind, spirit, […]
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Spirit Circle
Friday, December 20 3:30-4:45pm
Inside each of us is a marvelous compass – one that greatly favors life, freedom, and vitality. – Bryant McGill Since the beginning, humans have gathered in circles to feel complete, […]
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Participate in engaging and inspiring workshops addressing daily stressors and explore relevant evidence-based strategies and mind-body skills to support well-being at times of change and adversity. Sessions are led either live or virtually.
Basic Options
- Lecture: lectures are led by Coach Cami who is a master coach, skilled trainer, compassionate listener, and an inspiring speaker.
- Workshop: workshops are a mix of lecture and skill practice requiring space to move and engage with a group.
- Retreat: retreats involve lecture, personal reflection, group dialogue and coaching through varied and extended practice including a connection with the natural world for additional support.
Helping people take better care of their health and well-being is among society’s most pressing priorities. U.S. healthcare costs associated with lifestyle-related chronic diseases are estimated to be 75% of total costs. Also fewer than 5% of adults engage in the top health behaviors. And only 20% of adults are thriving.
Guided Resilience workshops are inspiring, motivating and utilize evidence-based methodology to ensure results. The team-building skills and practices are easy to take-away and implement on your own for lasting impact at work and at home.
“If you don’t really know where to go, what to do, or how to start, Coach Cami can help you do all of that. She can assess where your staff is and where to go.”
“As a busy professional, an area where I steadily seek education is how to sustain my energy, drive, and all-around good health. I am delighted to have encountered the book, Mindful Pause, and Guided Resilience strategies of Coach Cami Smalley. Her wisdom is grounded and practical. She weaves real-life stories into advice, making it easy to comprehend and implement. I feel as though I have joined a positive new club by acquiring this education. For this, I am truly grateful!”
“What I liked is that Cami is a teacher and also a coach. In her area of expertise it’s important to practice the skills, not just talk about them. In our session together she was able to quickly create the kind of atmosphere where the group started sharing ideas and supporting each other, which is the essence of resiliency work. After working largely virtually for so long, my team benefited greatly from Cami’s energy, in-person interaction, and connection. Cami lives and breathes her practice and this lends it authenticity and legitimacy. I’m already planning the next one!”
From Here to There: A Path to Post-traumatic Growth
Post-Traumatic Growth is positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with a major life crisis or a traumatic event. The idea that human beings can be changed by their encounters with life challenges, sometimes in radically positive ways, is not new. The theme is present in ancient spiritual and religious traditions, literature, philosophy, and is now empirically supported through science. Guided Resilience helps you mobilize your innate capacity for self-regulation, healing, and personal transformation through crisis and change by restoring balance in spirit, mind, and body. When harmonized, these three centers of awareness bring a sense of ease and contentment.
Are you experiencing a significant life transition that has you feeling out of balance? not yourself? unsure about your future?
As uncomfortable as life may feel here…in the present moment… there is reason to be hopeful. Imagining a “there” with just the right inspiration and hope that you need can restore balance to our living. No doubt, stress is rampant, and we are experiencing stress in ways like never before. Our resilience training will help you withstand the pain from the daily stress and provide self-care skills and mind-body strategies that will help restore your inner balance. With self-awareness and intention, we can be present to adversity, adapt to change, cope with uncertainty, and ultimately thrive.
Learn from professional wellness coach, Cami Smalley and use her Guided Resilience evidence-based strategies to gain new skills, evolve your resiliency and ability to sustain well-being during moments of crisis.
What is Guided Resilience?
Understand Our Process
Gain insights from Coach Cami Smalley – a professional wellness coach. Learn more about the methodology, philosophy, and process behind Guided Resilience and how it works.

Let’s Get Started
Why your business should work with Coach Cami.
Cami is a Master Coach, author, speaker, and expert facilitator of Mindful Pause living to support behavior change that generates sustainable healthy lifestyles, resilience, and well-being. She is a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) with a Professional Coach certification (Wellcoaches). She is a certified HeartMath® Trainer and provides heart-rhythm biofeedback to support skill development.
Our programs and pricing are completely customizable – from hourly to half day, full day, or multiple day sessions. Based on intake conversations, we work with clients to determine their specific needs. Contact us today and let’s discuss your goals!